New year, new site, new blog. When Nikolai and I started this blog, we wanted to document our coding and hackathons. Well, he made the decision to leave on a two year LDS mission in Norway, and I have moved to Sweden as a cyber security consultant. That being said, I will try and restart the blog. I will move it to a better server, where I get more creative control over the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I would also like to post more code, and explain it.
The other half of this blog will serve to keep Nikolai updated on the current tech and sort of allow for some small reviews. I know no one reads this blog regularly, so I sort of get to write anything I want. But maybe it will help some passerby one day.
All this being said, I am unsure if I will post every week. Maybe every two weeks. It depends on what I have time or. Whatever I decide, I will first change the hosting to allow a better design in a more pleasing format. I like the photo of my first drone build, but it needs better placement. This will allow for a cleaner page and for a new post on how I created the new site.
Sorry for the lack of posts. I will hopefully be at a European Hackathon soon. Hopefully more pictures. Hopefully a new blog.